Since no commercial pet food (kibble or soft) can ever be the ultimate, people have been adding The Ultimate Meal to their pet food for decades, with amazing results. It’s even been used in animal sanctuaries to help bring a wide variety of species virtually back to life & maintaining their health. The Ultimate PetMeal is just a far more economical version of it for sanctuaries, & those with big &/or multiple pets (primarily dogs).

Packaged in economical, ecological, recyclable & reusable SuperJumbo metal cans, which is the ultimate choice for freshness & the environment.

1 can of The Ultimate PetMeal = 9.5 cans of The Ultimate Meal.


1. No. Despite what most people think, dogs are NOT CARNIvores…they’re OMNIvores...which is why they thrive on plant-based food.

2. Since ALL ‘regular’ dog food contains the most disgusting & revolting parts of animals which would otherwise be thrown away at slaughterhouses, it has virtually nothing to do with what domesticated dogs should or would eat.

3. Approximately 6 million dogs are diagnosed with cancer every year in the US alone.

4. There are quite a few plant-based dog foods on the market, which are usually marketed for dogs with allergies, behavioral issues, hyperactivity, sluggishness, skin issues, &/or digestive problems. But since they make much less profit on these, they don’t push them like the rest, where they make a killing (in every sense of the word).

5. To find out which are the current best ones, please email us for it, & we’ll email it to you.

6. A dog on such a diet rarely has any of the following: Fleas, ticks, bad breath, digestive issues, gas, skin issues, excessive shedding, hyperactivity, or aggressive behavior. They have plenty of energy, but it doesn’t control them.

7. And last, but not least: We’ve never heard of a dog that did not like The Ultimate PetMeal with any kibble. That's why we guarantee it. :-)