The name says it all… The Ultimate Meal is the ultimate source of nourishment available anywhere at any price. Period. It comes in powder form.
Because the optimum source of nourishment for the human body does NOT come in the form of synthetic powders & pills, or any animal products.
It comes in the form of raw, properly sprouted, fresh-freeze-dried, cold-milled & preferably organic PLANT FOODS that have their enzymes, nutrients & anti-oxidants intact, as nature intended.
But all that means nothing if it’s not kept fresh, which is why none of our products are packaged in plastic…only metal cans or glass bottles, the only 2 materials that can block air transmission completely. The cans can block light 100% as well. Both easily recyclable). Plus, oxygen absorbers inside & proper seals outside, both of which create a virtual vacuum.
The Ultimate Meal is the only product to deliver ALL of the above. No gimmicks, just the ultimate ingredients, packaged in the ultimate containers, for reasonable prices.
The Ultimate Meal contains NO: Soy, MSG, salt, wheat, corn, yeast, eggs, dairy products, sugar, honey, fructose, caffeine, ginseng, Maltodextrin, artificial preservatives, flavors, coloring, fillers, animal products, or anything from China.
At least TWO servings daily. The Ultimate Meal is the most efficient & nutritious meal you can have. Ideal for breakfast, lunch &/or dinner. It also does wonders after exercising, as it revitalizes the whole body. And yes, most people tell us it keeps their hunger satisfied & body energized far longer than conventional meals (about 3-6 hrs).
Easily prepared in a blender, in a banana, apple & blueberry whole fruit smoothie. For recipes see label on the can & read The Ultimate Mealcyclopedia on this site.
A serving of The Ultimate Meal costs far less than the cost of the average nutritious meal. In addition, there is a substantial savings in preparation time.
Experience & compare it for yourself. At only about $6 per day for TWO delicious & complete meals, The Ultimate Meal is not only affordable, but an absolute bargain. This includes our 30-day Money-Back Guarantee, providing the directions are followed thoroughly.
These are the 5 ultimate complex-carbohydrates on Earth. They are superb sources of complete protein, lysine, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. We developed them in the early ‘90s, exclusively for The Ultimate Meal. They are the first & only properly sprouted ingredients to offer ALL of the following, using no heat from beginning to end:
One of the most potent sources of easily digestible complete protein. Very low in fat & allergenicity. Good source of tryptophan, methionine, magnesium, potassium, pantothenic acid, vitamins E & B complex. Unlike almost everyone else, ours is never from China.
The ultimate, because it contains the highest & most proportionately balanced levels of Omega essential fatty acids & lignans, minus the toxicity of fish oils. Also a great source of gentle, natural fiber & protein.
This is the original ultimate superfood, because it is the most potent source of: Complete protein, Lysine, Beta-Carotene, Chlorophyll & plant based B12 on Earth. Also rich in B complex, potassium, DNA, GLA (gamma linolenic acid), RNA (ribonucleic acid), phosphorus, copper, chromium & trace elements. Fun Fact: This is the only ingredient to have been in every evolution of The Ultimate Meal, since day 1…although the quality has evolved over the years…
Also developed exclusively for The Ultimate Meal, broccoli sprouts are the ultimate of the cruciferous vegetables (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower), because it’s the ultimate source of Sulforaphane. In numerous clinical double-blind human studies, Sulforaphane has been proven to have the best anti-cancer properties of any food on Earth. Also high in enzymes, beta-carotene, chlorophyll & sulfur indoles (including MSM), calcium & potassium.
a) It supports healthy blood glucose levels;
b) It is one of the most potent natural anti-oxidants;
c) It adds a wonderful subtle flavor.
Besides being an excellent natural anti-oxidant, Turmeric is probably the ultimate natural anti-inflammatory compound known to man, which helps prevent: Arthritis, Heart & Brain disease, Depression, Diabetes, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, & even Cancer.
Related to Turmeric, what makes it a SuperSpice, is GINGEROL! It is the primary bioactive compound responsible for much of its medicinal properties, like being a powerful Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Oxidant agent. It’s also one of the most potent natural digestive aids, because it helps prevent Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Nausea, High Blood Sugar, & even Cancer……while adding a great subtle flavor.
Human studies have shown that this anti-oxidant is far more potent, acts much faster & remains in the bloodstream far longer without acidity or stomach upset than any other form of vitamin C. FYI, we are one of a handful of companies on the planet that uses the only non-Chinese vitamin C on Earth. Period. It’s made in Scotland!
Being the most predominant mineral in the human body, these 2 are the highest concentration & most assimilable forms of Calcium. We use both forms, to cover all the bases. It helps prevent osteoporosis, heart disease & menopause symptoms.
The other major mineral essential for strong, healthy bones & teeth. It also helps regulate the body's energy levels, as well as maintain normal heart function & nerve transmission. The ideal catalyst for calcium absorption.
Extracted from the Stevia leaf (without aftertaste), which is completely safe for ALL sugar-related problems.